Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection


The density of laws, ordinances, administrative regulations, technical rules, directives, standards and statutes by the European Union (EU), the Federal Government, the Länder and local authorities is constantly increasing. As a result, German environmental law is becoming increasingly comprehensive, complicated and confusing. In many cases, companies are hardly in a position to know all relevant regulations. Successful entrepreneurial action requires an ongoing assessment of the obligations and opportunities arising from the above-mentioned legal sources.

Regulatory supervision:

Companies are more or less regularly confronted with regulatory supervision of their operations. The focus of environmental inspections often lies both in checking compliance with operator obligations with regard to plants requiring approval in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) and in compliance with requirements from ancillary provisions and conditions from approval notices.

CertLex – Your advantage:

CertLex identifies the legal sources relevant to your company in the field of corporate environmental protection. The CertLex team monitors the changes in these legal sources. The legal sources are explained by experienced consultants in the field of corporate environmental protection for day-to-day operations. The legal source explanations are subject to legal quality control to support your operational compliance.

Legal fields

Do you have questions?

Do you need further information or would you like a direct consultation? Please feel free to contact us.

Jan Westphal
Phone: +49 (0)40 360 97 19-20
E-Mail: westphal@certlex.de

Hans-Ulrich Terme
Phone: +49 (0)561 969 96-14


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