API Interface

Contents of the CertLex Legal Cadastre can be transferred to other platforms using an Application Programming Interface (API) as interface

In the course of digitisation, the number of digital aids in everyday working life is constantly increasing. One disturbing factor is the increasing number of login data. Keeping track of this can be a challenge. If you already use a software in your company as an internal communication platform, there are many advantages in integrating the contents of your individualised online legal register into your platform. The contents of the online legal information system CertLex can be transferred with an Application Programming Interface (API) as an interface. In this way you avoid having to establish another independent program with the Online Legal Information System. Instead, the user-friendliness increases.

You decide which data from your online legal cadastre is transferred! We will be happy to give you examples of possible data exports.

Link in right cadastre

This interface is used to export basic library data from CertLex. The library currently available in CertLex at the time of the export is transferred to the target program. In addition to the basic information about legal sources (e.g. short titles, long titles, etc.) a link is provided which links back to the library in CertLex. However, the link is only usable if the user logs in to CertLex afterwards, so he must be a registered user.

Export of the entire library

This function is used to export nearly all information that is in the library of the customer of CertLex.
The complete data stock of the library at the time of the request is exported. This includes general data (e.g. short title of the legal source) as well as a link to the full text at Umwelt Online. This link can only be used if a subsequent login to Umwelt Online is made.
The basic requirements are also exported. It should be noted that these are exported collectively and that invalid basic requirements may also be supplied. These are marked accordingly.

Export of the monthly legal changes

This function is used to export the complete journal inventory (monthly update of the legal catalogs) to CertLex. All changes are transferred over the respective time horizon. It is possible to evaluate the data e.g. by subject area or the monthly journal or to use it accordingly.

In addition, the recommendations for action in connection with changes are also exported.


Do you have questions?

Do you need further information or would you like a direct consultation? Please feel free to contact us.

Florian Riedig
Tel.: +49(0)40 3609719-12

Hans-Ulrich Terme
Tel.: +49(0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme@certlex.de


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